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Item | Safety Guides | Media |
1 | Safety in academic chemistry laboratories students | |
2 | ACS secondary safety guideline |
Flame Tests
Note for the flame tests a Platimum wire was used. We used a straight wire so that we can uniquely show the spectrum against the full color spectrum of the heated Platimum wire. See this link for a discussion on using Platinum Wire for flame tests.
The captured video for the spectrum of the various flame tests are shown in this YouTube Video from See this link for Screen Shots of the Spectrums for the various Flame Tests.
For a video on using a spectroscope for flame tests see this link .
In the table below we show the links to the various flame tests.
Item | Salt Used | Flame Test |
1 | Strontium Chloride |
2 | Potassium Chloride |
3 | Lithium Chloride |
4 | Calcium Chloride |
5 | Cupric Chloride |
6 | Zinc Chloride |